Video On Demand Library - Fitness, Flexibility, and Dance*

VODL is being discontinued as of March 31, 2024

Have you found yourself wishing that you could do a Relax and Restore class at bedtime, or sneak in a Ready to Fly workout during your lunch break? Well, now you can! The Brass Butterflies Online Academy Video on Demand Library for Fitness, Flexibility, and Dance. This library of on-demand videos, that you can stream anytime you like from the comfort of your own home (or anywhere you have access to the Internet), features a selection of recordings of past live online ZOOM classes, along with some bonus curated video content designed to complement those class replays. The Video On Demand library is delivered to you via the FitVid platform on Wellness Living and videos can be streamed on almost any computer or mobile device through a browser or the Wellness Living Achieve App for iOS or Android.

Have you already purchased a pass for the VOD Library and you’re looking for instructions or help to access it? Click here.


Unlimited On-Demand Access to the Fitness, Flexibility, and Dance Video Library - Monthly Auto-pay

$79.99 + HST

This monthly auto-renewing pass gives you unlimited access to the Video On Demand Library for one month. It renews monthly on the same day as purchased unless cancelled by the member in advance of the renewal date. Expiry is strict. No refunds or partial refunds for non-use. NOTE: This pass does NOT give access to participate in LIVE online classes.

Class Descriptions

Are you looking for classes to supplement your regular weekly in-studio classes that you can take in the comfort of your own home and on your own schedule? Our Video On Demand Library has a wide range of recorded online non-curriculum classes to help you achieve your goals. During the COVID-19 closures in 2020-2021, we brought most of our Non-curriculum classes online. The VODL is made up of recorded Zoom classes from that time. Our non-curriculum classes were designed to supplement and complement our core curriculum classes and generally fall into these categories; strength and conditioning, flexibility and mobility, dance and musicality, and specialty floor work and grounded skills. Some of the classes presented in the Video On Demand Library are not regularly offered as live classes so this is a great opportunity to access these special classes.


Ready to Fly (full body): A comprehensive full body workout, focusing on specific strength and movement patterns needed to for pole and aerials. The format of this class will vary from class to class and may include body weight exercises, Tabatas, Intervals, and Circuits, but will always progressively work all those key areas from head to toes. This allows us to move through foundational movements, strengthen end range of motion where aerialists are most prone to injuries, and learn at-home techniques for improving your pole and aerial skills, all while working on muscular endurance. 

Core Crush (core, lower body): A fitness class designed to focus on improving strength, coordination, and endurance in the core. When most people hear “core” they tend to think of just their abs, but if you’ve done aerials or pole you know you need your legs, hips, glutes (butt), back, abs, and obliques all working together to help you achieve those badass moves. This class hits all those key areas in a circuit-style workout.

Flexibility, Mobility and Recovery:

Relax & Restore: A stress-relieving hour of gentle movement and self-massage focusing on mobility in the body. An essential part of all training is recovery, this class is designed to help release body tension and introduces tools to help you continue to care for your body at home and after your workouts.

Fit & Flexy: Each Fit & Flexy class has a different focus, rotating through targeting front splits, back and shoulders, middle splits/straddles/pancake splits/Y-scales, and Needle Stretch (combining back/shoulders and front splits). These classes make flexibility approachable for everyone, with a special focus on education, active mobility, and even techniques to work safely towards contortion poses for those who are ready. Fit & Flexy should be approached as a workout class, not a passive stretch and recovery class.

Dance and Musicality:

Chair Dancing Online: In this class you'll learn a choreographed routine using a chair as a prop. The choreo will change from week to week and it might be sexy, burlesquey, flowy, or poppy, but guaranteed it will be fun. All levels welcome, no dance experience required.

Ballet Barre for Aerialists and Pole Dancers: This Ballet inspired class is designed to help aerialists and pole dancers improve their lines and form using ballet barre exercises blended with focused strength and flexibility exercises. Ballet is an amazing tool to strengthen and stabilize the hips, engage the core, and focus on extension through the legs and arms. No previous ballet experience is necessary!

Floorwork and Grounded Skills:

Handstand Conditioning: This class will focus on the muscles and body positions essential for handstands. Each class includes an in depth warm up and conditioning exercises for the hands, wrists, core, and shoulders. A portion of class time will be set aside for level appropriate work in handstand position. All levels are welcome!